Kamis, 12 September 2013

UK Car Insurance - Pass Plus

Pass plus is a driving scheme that is targeted at new drivers who have passed their driving test in the previous 2 years.
It is definitely something that newly passed young drivers should consider doing to help reduce their car insurance premiums and to also help them become safer drivers by giving them extra guidance.
Visit the Pass Plus site at www.passplus.org.uk
What it entails is a minimum of 6 extra driving lessons where you are given new driving situations that you may not have previously experienced.
The 6 different areas covered include:
- Driving in town
- Driving in all weathers
- Driving on rural roads
- Driving at night
- Driving on dual carriageways
- Driving on motorways
Pass Plus Insurance Providers:
AA Insurance
Adrian Flux Insurance Services
BSM Insurance Services
Churchill Insurance
Direct Line
Norwich Union
Royal and SunAlliance
Tesco Motor Insurers
QUINN Direct

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